UBB 2019 Graduation Student Speaker

UBB 2018 Graduation Video

Burke Museum Story (2018)

Read the Burke Museum’s Journey behind bars to aid in learning about the API Cultural Group at WSR.

Q13 News Series on UBB (2018)

The Q13 News series “University Beyond Bars” explores the journeys of two current and two former inmates who say the program helped to set them on a new path.

TEDx Event

WSR hosted the TEDx event “Turning Keys” to discuss prison reform on March 15, 2014. Among the day’s speakers were many of UBB’s own students, including:

Brandon P: Expand - Expand - Expand

John L: Turning Prisons into Schools

Nick H: The Power of Sustainability

Jarelle M: The Future of our Society

Spencer O: Armed or Equipped?